Swim Lesson Program

Rolling Hills Swim Club offers a variety of aquatics lesson opportunities. Visit the RHSC Lessons SwimTopia website to register. Registration dates are listed below. 

Free lessons for beginning swimmers (session details and registration available in late Spring)

  • Levels 1, 2, and 3 only
  • Supervised by experienced staff, taught by RHSC swim team volunteers
  • Ages 4+

Seahawks Swim Academy: Paid, group lessons for swimmers needing additional instruction before joining the RHSC swim program (session details and registration available in late Spring)

  • Six 1-week sessions
  • Level 4 (and Level 3, if space is available)
  • Supervised and taught by experienced instructors
  • Ages 4+
  • $65 per session (four, 30-minute classes)

Private lessons, open to swimmers and divers of all abilities (session details and registration available in late Spring)

  • One-on-one sessions available, as needed
  • Open to swimmers and divers needing basic instruction, skill development, or skill refinement
  • Ages 3+
  • $35 per lesson

We encourage you to subscribe to RainedOut.com to get text updates about weather delays. Text RHSC8301 to 84483 to get updates from Rolling Hills Swim Club. Text RHSeahawks to 84483 to get updates from swim/dive team.

Contact swimlessons@rollinghillsswimclub.org if you have any questions!

Please join us at

Level I: Learning To Swim Independently

Prerequisite: Child must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water, follow directions and function well in a group.
Class Emphasis: To help children gain basic aquatic skills to include: entering and exiting the water safely, blowing bubbles through mouth and nose, submerging mouth, nose and eyes underwater; With Assistance - floating and gliding on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, treading water, swimming with assistance using arms and legs on front and back. Emphasis is on water adjustment. When possible, children are grouped according to ability.

Level II: Moving Toward A Greater Independence In The Water

Prerequisite: Child must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water and function well in a group. Student must be able to: blow bubbles through mouth and nose at least three seconds, submerge face under water, and swim on front and back (with assistance) at least two body lengths, must be able to stay in front and backfloat position for at least three seconds.
Class Emphasis: Children gain greater independence in their skills and continue to gain comfort in the water. Skills include breath holding, rhythmic breathing (bobbing), floating and gliding on front and back with and without assistance, swimming at least three body lengths with and without assistance.

Level III: Learning To Swim With Better Form And Greater Endurance

Prerequisite: Student must be able to swim without assistance at least three body lengths on front and back. Student must be able to hold breath under water at least three seconds.
Class Emphasis: Help child gain basic swimming propulsive skills and increase endurance and distance without flotation devices. Skills include: entering water by jumping in (chest deep water), submerging and holding breath five seconds, rotary breathing, treading water, swimming front crawl 10 yards and on back five yards.

Level IV: Advanced Stroke Work

Prerequisite: Student must be able to swim front crawl and back stroke at least five body lengths.
Class Emphasis: Help student continue to improve their endurance and skill for treading water, front crawl and back strokes. To swim front crawl 15 yards, elementary back strokes five yards; and introduce the breaststroke and diving from the side of the pool.


8301 Carrleigh Parkway West Springfield, Virginia 22512 Clubhouse (703) 451-5303 Member Paging (703) 451-9666